Google Chrome Developer Tools

Openpanelswithshortcuts:Elements,Console,oryourlastpanel;WindowsorLinux,Ctrl+Shift+C,Ctrl+Shift+J;Mac,Cmd+Option+C,Cmd+Option+J ...OpenDevToolsfromChrome...·Openpanelswithshortcuts...,KeyboardshortcutsforopeningDevTools;Openwhateverpanelyouusedla...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Open Chrome DevTools

Open panels with shortcuts: Elements, Console, or your last panel ; Windows or Linux, Ctrl + Shift + C, Ctrl + Shift + J ; Mac, Cmd + Option + C, Cmd + Option + J ... Open DevTools from Chrome... · Open panels with shortcuts...

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for opening DevTools ; Open whatever panel you used last, Command + Option + I, F12 or Control + Shift + I ; Open the Console ...

Chrome Developer Tools - Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)

Chrome Developer Tools – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X) ⌥⌘I. Toggle Developer Tools. ⌥⌘C. Toggle JavaScript Console. ... ⌘[/⌘] Go to the panel to the left/right. ⌥⌘[/⌥⌘] ... ⌘K or ⌃L. Clear console. ⇥ ... ↑/↓ Navigate elements. →/← ...

8 Chrome dev tools shortcuts for the productive developer

Open console panel · Mac — Command+Option+J · Windows - Control+Shift+J · Open Console Panel ; Open Elements panel · Mac — Command+Shift+C or Command+Option+C

In the Chrome developer panel, is there a keyboard shortcut for the ...

Ctrl + Shift + C (Windows/Linux) or Command + Shift + C (Mac): This shortcut opens the Inspect Element mode and automatically selects the first element under ...

Google Chrome Developer Tools keyboard shortcut customization ...

To open Chrome dev tools with just F12 on a Mac: Open up System Preferences > Keyboard. Check the box marked Use all F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function ...

Keyboard Shortcut for Chrome's Developer Tools on Mac?

The default should be Command + Option + i (or Command + Option + j for the JavaScript console).

How do I use Chrome Developer debugging shortcuts on a Mac?

Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts . Choose Mission Control on the left panel, then look to the right panel and disable ...

Chrome keyboard shortcuts - Computer

Ctrl + Shift + g. Open Developer Tools, Ctrl + Shift + j or F12. Open the Delete Browsing Data options, Ctrl + Shift + Delete. Open the Chrome Help Center in a ...

Open the developer console

Using a keyboard shortcut, open Developer Tools and bring focus to the console. Windows – Ctrl + Shift + J; Mac – Cmd + Opt +J. See also ...


Openpanelswithshortcuts:Elements,Console,oryourlastpanel;WindowsorLinux,Ctrl+Shift+C,Ctrl+Shift+J;Mac,Cmd+Option+C,Cmd+Option+J ...OpenDevToolsfromChrome...·Openpanelswithshortcuts...,KeyboardshortcutsforopeningDevTools;Openwhateverpanelyouusedlast,Command+Option+I,F12orControl+Shift+I;OpentheConsole ...,ChromeDeveloperTools–UsefulShortcuts(MacOSX)⌥⌘I.ToggleDeveloperTools.⌥⌘C.ToggleJavaScriptC...